Hello Kitty–Revisit your childhood

pictures of hello kitty tattoos
hello kitty tattoo picturesWhich girl has never sported a Hello Kitty accessory ever during her childhood? I had a Hello Kitty bag and a collection of its stickers. I grew up and forgot about it, for some time. We all grow up but the memories remain intact.

So, why not revisit our childhood by getting this cute cartoon tattooed on us and make this childhood fantasy last forever. Like this particular girl with a hello kitty fairy on her foot seems like a die-hard fan of this Japanese cartoon.

And colorful, cute and smiling tattoo, is good enough a reason for one to adorn a Hello Kitty Tattoo.

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Lindsay lohan new sixth tattoo

lindsay lohan sixth tattoos pics

lindsay lohan tattoo pictures
Singer-actress Lindsay Lohan has a fetish for tattoos and recently got the sixth one - a quote by Hollywood legend Marilyn Monroe -- inked on Lindsay Lohan on her left wrist. It reads "Everyone's a star and deserves the right to twinkle" and is surrounded by yellow, blue and green stars, dailymail.co.uk reported quoting a source.

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Kimberley Vlaminck 56 star tattoo

Kimberley Vlaminck 56 star tattoo
MELBOURNE: A teenage girl who alleged she fell asleep while getting her face tattooed has confessed she lied and was up the whole time.

Kimberley Vlaminck had claimed she asked for only three stars to be tattooed near her left eye but was shocked to find 56 stars on her face after she woke up.

According to the Telegraph, the 18-year-old and her livid father had gone to the police and had been seeking £9,000 in damages to fit the bill for laser surgery to remove the tattoos.

Pictures Of Tattoo Designs

Tattoo Design
Tattoo Design
Tattoo Design
Beautiful collection of tattoo designs.

Smiley Happy Pinup

Chris Burnett chanelling the Joker, perhaps. Previously featured here.

Channelling Jime

Derek Zielinski's Jime Litwalk inspired piece.

Plane Gash (sorry)

And finally for today, a wicked rib-piece done by realistic king Cecil Porter.

Not Ugly Bettie

Bettie Page, as rendered by Pinup master Steve Soto

Perky Plumage

Classic old school, wonderfully crisp, from a new tattooist to the blog, Shakey Pete. You can also find an excellent owl he did on Owl Tattoos.

Pictures Of Tribal Tattoos

Tribal TattooBeautiful big tribal tattoo on the back.

Tribal TattooTribal tattoo on baldy head.

Tribal TattooArtistic tribal tattoo on man's shoulder to arm.

Mother Nature

A classic Sean Herman piece.

Something In My Rocket

New from blog favourite Tony Ciavarro.

Heart Tattoo Pictures

Heart TattooSacred heart tattoo barb wired and winged.

Heart TattooSacred heart tattoo on the back.

Heart TattooLovely heart tattoo on woman's arm.

Check Out My Post

To be honest, most of the tattoos uploaded to Check Out My Ink are, to put it mildly, shit. But I had a look through the pinup category and picked out a selection of the best....

I'm a huge fan of the second pic, wonder who that's by?

Bend Over and Cough

Another, more cartoony nurse from Johanna

Under The SeaWeed

Another classic Mike De Masi Piece, he of the pink lady in the 'submit your tattoo' pic on the right.

Hello Sailor!

Anon reader submission, done at Ed Hardy's Tattoo City, San Francisco.

Snow Good

New Joe Capobianco Snow Queen.

Lucky Lady

Nice gambling themed piece from Vinny Burkhart.


Weird Joe Capobianco cat-lady!

OctoMilf and The Bandit

A couple of new, sleazy Mark Dupp pinups...


Another superbly detailed Gil Elvgren peice from Cecil Porter